welcome to my website

Hello, I am Tilahun currently based in Houston city.

my background experience website developer. i'm excited to connect with other and share iadea about the topic

Get Started

Website Diveloper

is responsible for desining, coding and maintening website. create the functionality layout, and user expriance of what a website developer typically does'

My Skills

Photoshop . HTML CSS JS . Web Design

fullstack 90%
Backend processing 70%
HTML5 & CSS3 80%

Interface Design

involves creating the visual and iteractive of digital product.such as website, of apps, or softwere. The Gol is to make the interface intutive, visual appealing , and functional. ensurering a seamless user expriance(UX) .

website Strategy

desining, developing and maintening a website to achive spesific goals.

Mobile App

in Design prioritizes creating a website platform for mobile divices before scaling up for largescreen like tablets or desketop.


to healp you write cean, effient, and bug free code.

My Experiences

Web Designer 2024 dec - 2025 may

My Education


Master in website Dveloper 2024 Dec - 2025 May


Visit my office

6245 R Street,houston city, USA



